RASPRO Indonesia

Navigating the Respiratory Viral Infection : Digital Antimicrobial Stewardship – Prudent Management of Respiratory Tract Infection. National University Hospital, Singapore – RASPRO Indonesia. 26 October 2023

RASPRO Indonesia
Accurately diagnosing respiratory tract infections poses a significant challenge, impedingtheir effective management. This diagnostic uncertainty contributes to the unnecessaryuse of antibiotics and increased antimicrobial resistance 1. Join us for an upcoming webinar on 26 October 2023 featuring leading infectiousdiseases and respiratory medicine  experts. Our webinar is packed with insightfulsessions designed to enhance your knowledge and skills.  


  1. Diagnostic stewardship and point-of-care testing for viralrespiratory tract infections Dr Nidhi Loomba Chlebicka, Director, ASPAC, Medical and Scientific Affairs, IDEM, Abbott
  2. Digital antimicrobial stewardship and importance of differentialdiagnosis in the management of viral respiratory tract infections Dr Ronald Irwanto, Internist-Infectious Disease Specialist- RASPRO Indonesia StudyGroup / Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta
  3. Serious consequences of viral respiratory infections beyondcommon cold Adj Assoc Prof See Kay Choong, Senior Consultant, Division of Respiratory &Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital,Singapore.
  4. Advances in prevention of viral respiratory tract infections Prof Hsu Li-Yang, Vice Dean of Global Health and Programme Leader of InfectiousDiseases, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore,Singapore
Reference: 1 . Saha SK, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068193.

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