IPC Club: Session 18

Digital Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Indonesia: a reform towards system and ecosystem for improving the prudent use of antibiotics based on WHO-AWARE

Time : 1-2 pm (Singapore Standard Time)
Topic abstract:
In this session, the speaker will present the effort to realize the WHO concern for > 60% ACCESS antibiotics prescription through a digital antimicrobial stewardship program implemented in several hospitals in Indonesia.

Speaker: Dr Ronald Irwanto Natadidjaja.
Dr Ronald Irwanto Natadidjaja is an internist infectious disease specialist, lecturer, and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia. He is one of the founders of RASPRO Indonesia, a study group for antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship in Indonesia. He is also the chairman of the IPC committee in Pondok Indah-Bintaro Jaya Hospital, Indonesia. He is an educator and campaigner for the prudent use of antimicrobials in Indonesia.

Dr Kalisvar Marimuthu, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Singapore


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