The 11th Continuing Professional Development on Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Medical Equipment Expo 2019 JOGLOSEMAR admin 12 Sep (0) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Penelitian dan Makalah RASPRO pada Proceeding Book acara “The 11th Continuing Professional Development on Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Medical Equipment Expo 2019 JOGLOSEMAR” File Download Document File Please click on the download icon to download Related Posts Penelitian dan MakalahCulture-and nonculture-based antibiotics for complicated soft tissue infections are comparable (Ronald Irwanto, Suhendro, Khie Chen, and Murdani Abdullah) admin 2018-Jun-17 Penelitian dan MakalahKonsep RASPRO: Upaya Melaksanakan Amanah Permenkes 8/2015 untuk Menurunkan Kuantitas Penggunaan Antibiotik RONALD IRWANTO NATADIDJAJA1,2, YUHANA FITRA1, AZIZA ARIYANI1, RIKA BUR1, NUGROHO BUDI SANTOSO admin 2021-Sep-12 Penelitian dan MakalahEvaluasi Kualitatif Antibiotik Metode Gyssens dengan Konsep Regulasi Antimikroba Sistem Prospektif RASPRO pada Pneumonia di Ruang Rawat Intensif Anak admin 2021-Sep-12 Penelitian dan MakalahAntibiotic usage at a private hospital in Central Java: results of implementing the Indonesian Regulation on the Prospective Antimicrobial System (Regulasi Antimikroba Sistem Prospektif Indonesia [RASPRO]) admin 2021-Sep-13 Penelitian dan MakalahBuku Saku Panduan Penggunaan Antibiotik RS Pondok Indah – Puri Indah, Tahun 2015, Edisi 1 admin 2018-Jun-17 Penelitian dan MakalahApplicative Concept of Raspro: How Indonesian Implement the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Private Hospitals admin 2019-Aug-16
Penelitian dan MakalahCulture-and nonculture-based antibiotics for complicated soft tissue infections are comparable (Ronald Irwanto, Suhendro, Khie Chen, and Murdani Abdullah) admin 2018-Jun-17
Penelitian dan MakalahKonsep RASPRO: Upaya Melaksanakan Amanah Permenkes 8/2015 untuk Menurunkan Kuantitas Penggunaan Antibiotik RONALD IRWANTO NATADIDJAJA1,2, YUHANA FITRA1, AZIZA ARIYANI1, RIKA BUR1, NUGROHO BUDI SANTOSO admin 2021-Sep-12
Penelitian dan MakalahEvaluasi Kualitatif Antibiotik Metode Gyssens dengan Konsep Regulasi Antimikroba Sistem Prospektif RASPRO pada Pneumonia di Ruang Rawat Intensif Anak admin 2021-Sep-12
Penelitian dan MakalahAntibiotic usage at a private hospital in Central Java: results of implementing the Indonesian Regulation on the Prospective Antimicrobial System (Regulasi Antimikroba Sistem Prospektif Indonesia [RASPRO]) admin 2021-Sep-13
Penelitian dan MakalahBuku Saku Panduan Penggunaan Antibiotik RS Pondok Indah – Puri Indah, Tahun 2015, Edisi 1 admin 2018-Jun-17
Penelitian dan MakalahApplicative Concept of Raspro: How Indonesian Implement the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Private Hospitals admin 2019-Aug-16